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Floral Fantasy

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The 2020 pandemic turned our lives upside down. We found ourselves living in a monotonous, greyscale world. Surrounded by empty streets and locked up shops, many of us turned to nature in order to escape.

This collection is inspired by British nature and plants which offered us hope and sanctuary. The colours highlight contrast, this represents the contrast between the current world and the beauty of nature. 

This bright, bold collection is a symbol of celebration of our native blooms.



As part of a live brief with Patternbank we were required to choose a brand and audience to design for. I chose Urban Outfitters due to the graphic and urban feel of my designs. Using images of the deserted streets during 2020 and newspaper articles addressing COVID19, I created these graphic digital prints. 



In response to the Patternbank Fall'21 trend, monochrome blow ups, I created these large scale floral prints. I decided to visualise my designs on Zara garments due to the feminine and sophisticated nature of the designs. Every design was hand drawn and later scanned to edit and print digitally.


Rolls Royce

Following the completion of my degree, I was shortlisted for an interview with Rolls Royce within the bespoke design department. I really loved seeing my work in a different context and applying my design skills in a different way. Our brief was to base a project around the idea of ‘Transition impossible’. My idea was to bring the outside in and transport the customer to a different world from within their car. Inspired by the idea of biophilia and natural elements this bespoke design really captures the sophistication and femininity of the customer. From rose petal dyed fabric of the interior to changeable holographic floral imagery on the side panels, this bespoke Rolls Royce design is the definition of bespoke luxury.

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